Sharing Oplatki – The Essence of Christmas

December 18, 2024

Written by PFA Cultural Commissioner, Larry Kozlowski

A uniquely Slavic and beloved custom shared among Poles (Oplatki), Slovaks (Oblatky – Oplatky), and Lithuanians (Oplatkalus – although Lithuanians are not a Slavic people) is the sharing of the Christmas wafer. The word “Oplatki” in all its forms stems from the Latin word “Oblatum,” meaning a sacred offering.

The sharing of “Hearth Cakes” at the Winter Solstice may have facilitated the development of the Western Christian Monastic baking of wafers (both Liturgical and Para-liturgical). The earliest possible dating for the word “Oblatky – Oplatky” is the High Middle Ages when the Western Church began establishing dioceses and monasteries in Poland. This began the sharing of the wafer spread throughout the noble and peasant classes, and today led to it as the most practiced tradition among Poles the world over.

In Poland, the sharing of oplatki is an important part of the Christmas Eve dinner (Wigilia). In the center of the table is a plate of straw, on which lies the blessed wafers. The white wafers are distributed by the eldest to each member of the family to be shared (breaking a piece of each wafer to share) with traditional wishes of forgiveness, reconciliation, health, happiness and prosperity for the coming year. The pink wafers were shared among the animals, as it was believed that they were present and witnessed the birth of Christ. Blessed wafers were (and still are) shared with those living miles or countries away. Sent through the mail, the blessed wafer was given with wishes of peace, love and forgiveness on Christmas Eve around the world.

Polish Falcons of America invites you to share the oplatki with your family and friends this holiday season!

Prayer for Sharing Oplatki:

Loving Father, let this fragile wafer remind us of the birth of Jesus as we share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and the worship of the wise men. With the sharing of this wafer, let us offer greetings of forgiveness, love, peace, and the joy of this holy season and for the year ahead. +Amen.

Wesolych Swiat! – Merry Christmas!

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Polish Falcons of America (PFA) is a not-for-profit, member-driven, community life insurer with 20,000 Members nationwide.

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