Hoping all of you had a wonderful Christmas season! We sure did! Another perk of being grandparents! The weather has been goofy, bitter cold on Christmas but now, springtime in January!!!
Many of our Nests present awards on an annual basis; but not nearly as many who should. Back in the past, the awards were bestowed at banquets; this may still be done. Nests who do present are very creative in ensuring that their workers are acknowledged. Some give them at picnics, installation of Officers, dinners, Nest meetings, or even District meetings. The point is that the dedicated Members in the Nests and Districts should be honored with awards for all their hard work!
At least two Officers in each Nest have received an updated awards roster (this week). Please review the roster to be sure there are no errors.
When we worked from home during the pandemic, I was given the opportunity to create a spreadsheet for all of the awards. Every single award that was recorded at the Office is now in an Excel spreadsheet. I did my best to figure names, Nests and such.
Officers may manipulate the roster to suit their needs. Perhaps, you would like to add a column to indicate those who have passed away. Feel free to change the roster to be sure it works for your Nest. I have the original!
Award rules and applications are available here.
And of course, if you need help, please reach out to me! I’m looking forward to receiving applications from all of you!