VP Trish: District II Convention

April 26, 2023

Last weekend, I was in the Chicago area to attend the District II Convention. Tom Eckert was kind enough to pick me up and drop me off at the airport. Linda Woolford and the St. Louis ladies drove me to and from the Convention.

It has been five years since I have flown. It’s still the quickest way to go but a bit challenging.

The last time we attended District Conventions was four years ago as most Districts opted to have a conference call two years ago, basically to ask Officers to continue to serve.

The Nest 42 Officers and Members did a great job hosting the Convention.

The Convention began Friday evening. Druh Thomas Eckert (District II National Director) was the Convention Chair with Linda Woolford of Nest 45 as the District Secretary. Both did a great job! The Convention was called to order again Saturday morning and lasted until lunch time. Following a fabulous lunch, Tom and I headed for the airport. We had to make a stop at a Fannie Farmer Candy Store (well worth it!).

Both Friday evening and Saturday meetings were full of spirited conversations and plans for the upcoming years. There was a new slate of Officers elected. I told everyone there that I really didn’t want to attend the Convention but was very happy that I had. It was nice to be amongst the Membership and it was great to hear the District plans. It impresses me how so many people do the same thing differently!

The American Fraternal Alliance (AFA) had asked all of us in fraternal land to collect food to donate to a local food pantry. Instead of asking Members to bring food items, they held a 50/50 Friday evening with the proceeds going to the pantry. The winner (Druhna Jane Krzyzanski) donated her winnings back. On Saturday, in the second 50/50, the winner (Druhna Emily Repking) donated her winnings back. The Officers of Nest 42 held a quick meeting and decided to match the funds. It came to $790! Druh Eckert donated another $10 which brought the donation up to $800!!!

Another nice thing that comes out of a District II Convention are the donations to the Dr. T.A. Starzynski Scholarship Fund. District II donated $1,000.00; the Nests in attendance (all four of them in the District) each donated $100. The Falconette Commission and Legion of Honor also made a donation.

Hopefully, the other Districts have as successful a Convention as District II!


Nest 42 Officers and Members
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