VP Trish: 2024 Starzynski Scholarship Changes

October 25, 2023

The number of applicants for the Dr. T.A. Starzynski Program has declined dramatically in recent years. The amount of donations received continues at a generous rate. Thank you very much!

The Scholarship Committee and I (I am the Chair) have been meeting and discussing continuously.

After several meetings, we have come to the conclusion that the program needs to change considerably in order to motivate more Members to apply. This was a tough decision. The Board of Directors agreed with our determination.

With that being said, there are no longer three categories; there is one! The individual grant is now $1,500.

The application has been streamlined down to two pages:

• There is no longer a need for a copy of the applicant’s transcripts (obviously, their grades are good if accepted at college!).
• No need for the high school counselor recommendation form.
• The Nest does not need to fill out a form; the Nest does still have the option to write a letter of recommendation (if desired, this is not required).
• The applicant will need to share their Community Service.
• A biographical essay is required. The applicant should discuss their Falcon activities within this essay.

The Mary Kus will still be awarded to the most active, qualified applicant; the grant has been increased to $4,000.

Please visit the Scholarship Page on our website for the application and complete information regarding qualifications.

The application must be postmarked by February 15 or better yet, fill it out online.

Any questions, please contact me vptrish@polishfalcons.org.


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Polish Falcons of America (PFA) is a not-for-profit, member-driven, community life insurer with 20,000 Members nationwide.

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