VP Trish: District Conventions

March 29, 2023

As per our Constitution, the Districts are to hold a Convention every two or four years (in the odd years). The two or four years is a decision made by the Districts individually. This being 2023, each District is required to hold a Convention. All Districts are also required to hold a Plenary Meeting before the end of the year.

District VI holds a Convention on the four-year cycle, therefore, District VI must have two plenary meetings this year.

The District forms have been updated and uploaded to our site.

The host Nest and date for each District (those who have notified us) and the number of Delegates each Nest may send in addition to their Nest Officers have been posted.

If you have any questions about the Districts and/or the District Convention, please refer to our Constitution in Article VI sections 45-67. If you are still in need of help, please contact me.

Please keep in mind that all of the Constitutional changes made at the Special Convention last summer only pertained to the National level, not the Nests or Districts. Their information is the same as is contained in the Constitution printed in 2016.

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